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All Faiths For One Race (AFFOR)

AFFOR was a Birmingham based organisation actively involved in anti-racist and anti-apartheid campaigning. It was originally set up as a multi-faith organisation to oppose the proposed tour of England by the white South African cricket team in 1972. From these beginnings it developed a much wider agenda and undertook campaigning, research, publishing and educational work.

AFFOR established BIT (Birmingham Interpreting and Translating) to provide resources for people whose first language was not English. It also ran the Wates library, some of which is deposited at Birmingham City Archives with the collection, and which provided publications and resources for loan for multicultural and anti-racist teaching. AFFOR also ran its own publishing programme and published numerous pamphlets on education and social issues. It was based at 1 Finch Road, Lozells and had ceased to exist by 1999 when the collection was transferred to the City Archives. The collection includes administrative papers and a wealth of publications, newspaper cuttings, reports and research materials on race and educational issues.


The archive of AFFOR [MS 2220] is available at Birmingham City Archives.





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